Thursday, April 17, 2008

Youth Cheerleading Fundraising Ideas

If you are a youth cheerleading coach then you know how expensive it is. Whether it's uniforms, shoes, bows, or competition fees, you always need money. Some ideas that have worked pretty well for us are:

- Have a Tag Day. You might need to get permission from your city or local alderman's office. You also will have to get some parents involved on this one to help monitor the girls. The girls can save some coffee cans and get together to decorate them with their team colors.

- Have a car wash. You can ask a local bank or park district for the use of their parking lot if you don't have access to one. The girls can get together, decorate posters, and put them around the neighborhood.

- One of my favorites is to have a haircut-a-thon. Ask around the local beauty shops if anyone would be willing to donate their time and service(you might be lucky and have 1 or 2 Moms that are beauticians). Have the girls make up some fliers at least a month in advance and find a location, whether in your gym or park house. Great money maker!!!

Selling candy and having raffles are great but I've found that these ideas help unite your squad and bring them together to work as a team. They work hard together and create a bond. You also are teaching them that if they work hard enough they can accomplish anything.

Here are a couple web sites that might help you also.

We Coach Youth Sports

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